Monday, September 27, 2021

An Ultimate Solution to Uplift Your Productivity – Time Tracking App

Do you generally run out of time in a day to complete your tasks or projects?

We have always heard about tracking our records, be it regarding our school performances or workplaces.

But we rarely focus on our time consumption for a particular task.

Let’s have a look at how a time tracking app can help you out to manage your work in just one click.

Just spend your few minutes here to save hundreds of more minutes in the future.

What is Time Tracking Software?

The time tracking tool allows you to document and keep an eye on the amount of time spent in any specific work performed by any individual. This measurement of hours worked on projects or tasks is used to make sure that employees are being compensated accordingly.

Time trackers are not only important for an organization but also can play an important role for freelancers, businesses, and hourly workers to keep a track of their quality works.

These tools generally use digital punching features to estimate how long a particular worker takes to complete a piece of work.

Wondering how this software can help you?

Here is the answer to your query.

Surveys have proved that tracking your time helps in increasing your work rate and also improves work performance and management habits.

It has been observed that daily time tracking can improve one’s productivity by 80% and accuracy by 66%.

In simple words, time logging makes a person more engaged and disciplined.

How to Use Time Tracking Apps

For a business, you can utilize this software as an employee work time tracker which captures the productivity of an individual and further analyzes their performance accordingly. This also helps companies with payroll management with respect to their production and execution.

For freelancers, it can play a vital role to track their time consumption for a particular client. You need to be very accurate regarding the time spent on each task so as to work with multiple clients at a time.

For personal use, the best way to personalize this app is to make your habit of time management. This will not only increase your productivity but also make your work sorted without messing up your personal and professional life.

Benefits of Time Tracking App

  • Can be used as a timer for weekly and monthly deadlines. To mark the days of your tasks, so that you can work on them accordingly. It can be used for personal growth and improvement as well. 

  • An eye-opener for an individual employee. This helps to work on their time management and also to keep up the pace for professional growth.

  • Checking time taken for minor activities, including email checking, updating sheets, research work, structure making for the tasks, and many more.

  • Promoting workplace transparency can build a healthy relationship between co-workers and executives including billable hours through tracked times.

What is the Best Time Tracking App?

  • An app that is well optimized and can trace where the time goes.

While creating projects, you can break into the tasks and keep an eye on which particular task, you consume more time.

Or if you assign the same to your teammates, then you can check the performance rate accordingly.

  • Can automatically help you detect time without interrupting your creative flow.

  • A synchronized push notification system and reminders. Keeping up with busy lives, sometimes important events or deadlines slip out of our minds. This is why many of the app developments are focusing on push notification systems.

  • Can record our time in the background and can be able or disabled in one click action.

  • The app should be handy enough with an easy interface that can be handled in one go.

  • Should consist of powerful reporting features.

Amazing Features of Time Tracking Apps that You Need to Check on

Modern time tracking software offers more than simple time detectors and timesheets. To get the most of the tools, you should look for the following features in an app:

  • Online Timesheet

  • Screen Capture

  • Online Invoice

  • Project Management

  • Schedule for Meetings

  • Built-in Notification Tools

  • Alerts

  • Reporting & Analytics and many more.

Are you still curious why everyone is talking about time tracking apps? Click here to know some remarkable facts to elevate yourself and your business profiles.

Every business needs smart resource management, especially small businesses that desire to grow them. Time Tracking Apps is an astounding way to make a benchmark for competitors.

We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of work performance recorders and how they can be useful for your business purposes.


Don’t forget to share this post with your contacts.


“The more you share, the more you excel.”


Friday, May 28, 2021

6 Insider Tips To Boost Your Team Productivity


CoronaVirus does not appear to be slowing down. With the second wave, it has outraged itself and made everything even worse. However, as the saying goes, life goes on. The companies have decided to go remote once more. However, this time they have resolved to achieve 100 percent productivity, and in order to do so, they must take several steps to improve their team productivity.

So here in this article, we will share some of the following suggestions that can help your coworkers become more productive and efficient.

But for those who are new to this productivity term, the question may arise in their mind about what team productivity is.

So, allow me to explain this term.

What Do You Understand About The Productivity Of The Team?


"Each of us is a single drop. We are an ocean when we work together." 

However, the definition of "team" productivity differs from that of "productivity." The term "team productivity" has a different connotation. In general, organization productivity is a measure of activities completed in a given amount of time to produce a high-quality output. It also entails increasing team member satisfaction and providing the tools required to complete tasks with complete work efficiency.

After knowing about productivity let us move to our main topic of this article. 

Suggestions for how to increase team productivity


1.Install Monitoring Tools: 

No one can deny the importance of online employee monitoring tools in improving teamwork and productivity these days. A highly productive workforce built on a collection of tools that speed up work. It's impossible to track your employees' progress and support them with any obstacles they face without the correct technology.

EmpMonitor, for example, is an online monitoring tool that collects all of your team's precise records, projects, and productivity hours in one location. You can take your productivity to the next level with tools like keystroke loggers and snapshot monitoring.

2.Reduce Your Meetings: 


Avoid superfluous meetings at all prices since they will only lead to poor team performance. Team meetings are necessary for discussing projects and sharing information, but they might reduce your productivity. As a result, one way to ensure fruitful team meetings is to include staff who participate. Each conference you plan should have a clear objective. This drill keeps the team on track and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

3.Expectations for Communication:

Communication has the facility to form or break a relationship. It is a crucial component that contributes to the overall productivity of the team. As a result, managers must guarantee that their teams have excellent communication. Greater knowledge of job responsibilities might result from effective communication. And, if there is a communication breakdown, it could lead to a slew of misconceptions inside a team, lowering overall productivity.

4.Take Regular Breaks:


After working for several hours, it's essential to rest your head by taking frequent breaks. There's no use in jeopardizing your health at this point. Being safe and healthy is preferable to being anxious. Furthermore, not getting enough sleep will make you irritable and, as a result, decrease your productivity, which is critical for both you and the company.

5.No More Disturbances:

When you work from home, distractions can be chaotic and hard to avoid. However, you must avoid these distractions in order to maintain the firm's productivity balance. Find a quiet area where you won't be disturbed as an employer and work from there. For greater organization productivity, management should also provide some recommendations to their employees on how to deal with situations like these.

6.Employee Motivation:


No matter what occurs, keep your staff motivated. Employees, especially in the face of such a horrific pandemic, require support and assurance from their employers. Motivating and encouraging them at this critical juncture will give them strength and enable them to work more diligently on their tasks. Make sure there is no difference in daily output by focusing on productivity rather than productivity hours.

Time To Wrap It Up:

Overall, these are some of the steps you can take to keep your team productive and stress-free. We hope our readers gained a better understanding of the team productivity.

Monday, May 24, 2021

6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Idle Time

Only the most productive people recognize the time for what it is: one of our most valuable resources. Perhaps you're one of the people who understands that time is a "limited offer"; after all, there are only 24 hours in a day. As a result, you try to make every second count. Only the most productive people recognize the time for what it is: one of our most valuable resources. Perhaps you're one of the people who understands that time is a "limited offer"; after all, there are only 24 hours in a day. As a result, you try to make every second count. 

Here in this article, we will discuss what causes idle time, workplace consequences of idle period , and some of the ideas for filling your free time.

What causes inactivity?

Based on mouse and keyboard tracking, BrowseReporter calculates the idle period to see how long your users are away from their computers. BrowseReporter will switch tracking from Active Time to Idle period if there is no movement from your employee's mouse or keyboard for the period of time set in the CurrentWare console.

Consequences Of Idle time

Researchers looked at the frequency and length of idle period and its result on work pace and speed in range of studies. They discovered that nearly 80% of American workers experience idle period , with just over 20% reporting it on a daily basis. Within the previous five workdays, those who experienced idle period reported an average of 2 hours and 45 minutes of idle period. Based on this data as well as the U.S. According to Census data, this equates to 7.4 billion hours of idle period in the United States each year, with $100 billion spent on it. They discovered through several experiments that people work more slowly and take longer to complete a task when they expect to have free time before a deadline. It arises because people associate idle period with negative emotions like boredom or labeled as a slacker by others. The researchers then speculated on what would happen if people did not consider idle period to be a negative experience. They discovered that allowing people to engage in leisure activities such as surfing the web reduced the deadtime effect on pacing style.

Ideas For How To Spend Your Free Time

1. Make a list of your objectives.

To be successful at anything, you must first establish clear objectives for what you want to accomplish. People who write down their goals are far more likely to achieve them than those who think about them or have none at all. In the long run, this will save you a lot of time. It will eliminate other distractions and give you an objective to focus on if you use your spare time to record your daily and long-term goals. As a result time wasted on frivolous pursuits will be converted into productive time.

2. Pick up a new language.

Technology, like audiobooks, has made learning a new language very simple. The days of having to sit in a classroom are long gone. You can start your bilingual journey with CDs, downloads, and podcasts (or multilingual). Knowledge of other languages will also increase your marketability.

3. Check up on your loved ones.

Productive people are regularly busy others may find it tough to find the time to spend with friends and family. As a matter of fact, it is easy for productive employees to become so caught up in the goal of getting ahead that they can forget about their loved loves in the process.

4.Give Back

Part of happiness comes from serving others, so instead of watching TV, help someone learn to read serve dinner in a soup kitchen, or help an elderly person with their errands. These activities are not overly demanding of your time and provide a wealth of rewards.

5.Get moving.

No matter how busy you are, you need to exercise if you want to live long enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor. While on the phone, do some squats or lift hand weights, or take a walk around the neighborhood during your lunch break.

6.Audio books should be listened.

Learning new things has no expiration date, and we should never stop learning until we die. A wide variety of audiobooks can borrowed for free from the library or downloaded with the click of a button. You can listen and learn while traveling, exercising, or even relaxing on the beach, thanks to advancements in technology.

Time To Wrap it Up:

Idle time is said to be the devil's playground. So, why waste time sitting idle and thinking about things that might lead you down a different path—especially during working hours? Sitting idle may cause you to be slow at work, making you less productive. I hope this article has helped you to know about the idle period.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

7 Exclusive Tips To Enhance Your Team Productivity


Since the second wave of COVID-19 hit us more badly this time, the firms once again decided to go remote working. But, this time they have made up their mind to achieve 100% productivity, and for that, they need to follow certain measures to enhance their team productivity. Productivity defines the total output you are giving to your firm during your official hours. The management sets and defines the target they are aiming for their employees so that the staff has to work accordingly. 

So, here we are mentioning some exclusive tips to balance your productivity. Let's look in brief: 


Check out all your assigned tasks and go for the hardest things first, as the difficult tasks take more time to complete than the rest. Ultimately, doing such tasks in the end won't finish on time and will affect the entire day's productivity. You will feel relaxed once you are done with the time-taking and troublesome tasks. 


Before you reach off any deadline, you need to set your targets first. Setting your objective will help you achieve them in time, and you can figure out how to maintain productivity in the given time. You need to understand the short and long-term goals that you want to achieve. Setting goals and working hard for your goals will be worth it. 


Motivate your employees in every step no matter what happens. Especially in such a deadly pandemic, the employees need support and assurance from their firms. Motivating and supporting them in such a crucial time will give them strength and help them work more dedicatedly towards their work. Focus on productivity than productivity hours make sure there's no difference in daily output. 



Output is the result of the hard work that employees perform for their firm. When employees are working from home, they have tons of other work to manage apart from their official work. In such a scenario, it is mandatory to balance the workload between the household chores and the official work. Hence, the management should allow them to work at flexible hours to maintain the productivity hassle-free. 


Distractions can be messy and impossible to avoid while you work from home. But, to keep the balance of the firm's productivity, you need to avoid these distractions. Being an employer, find a corner where you won't get distracted and work from there. The management should also suggest some tips to their staff to manage at times like these for better team productivity.


After working continuously for hours, it's necessary to take breaks in between to relax your mind. There's no benefit in risking up your health at times like these. It's better to be safe and healthy than to be stressed. Also, taking no rest will make you more restless and ultimately affect productivity too, which is not good for you and the firm. 


There is various productivity management software to measure your employee's productivity. It will help you check out the task assigned to the workers and the time taken to finish the assigned project. Apart from this, you can also find out the productive and non-productive workers and take action accordingly. Some of the best software is as follows: 


It is one of the best employee management software to manage productivity and maintain a smooth workflow in the organization, even if staff is working remotely. The software offers numerous benefits like:  

  • Time-tracking software
  • Automatic screenshots
  • Screen recording
  • Aware of insider threats
  • Onboarding of employees, and more.


  • You get a daily productivity timeline
  • Shift scheduling
  • Detailed visual and downloadable reports
  • Invoicing
  • Project Management, etc.


  • Real-time collaboration tools
  • You get custom reports
  • Advanced features
  • Checking custom workflows
  • Online proofing, etc.


Overall, these are some of the measures you can take to maintain team productivity smoothly and hassle-free. So, we hope our readers understood how to manage your team and balance the productivity of the firm. 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

05 Ways to Empower Your Team Productivity

 05 Ways to Empower Your Team Productivity

Leading a bunch of people with different thoughts in their mind is never an easy job. When different types of people with different types grouped together, it can lead to conflicts, miscommunication, and decrement in workplace productivity. It's so much that it'll drive you insane. However, you can still motivate your team to achieve great professional goals if you handle them with care. Getting them on the same page is one thing, but getting them to work together to achieve a common goal is another.

No matter how productive your team is, there are always some improvements that boost workplace productivity to new heights.

Efficiency refers to a level of performance that describes a process that uses the fewest number of inputs to produce the most outputs. Productivity, on the other hand, is an average measure of production efficiency. It can be calculated as the ratio of output to input in the manufacturing process. 

Here in this article, I will discuss the top 5 ways to increase team productivity.

So, without further ado, let's look at some ways to boost their team's productivity and efficiency.

Here are five ways to increase the productivity of your team:

1. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your teammates.

Every human being has some talents and hidden gifts that can be put into good use. Thus, it becomes the duty of a manager or team to discover those talents and keep them in mind while allocating tasks to them. Skilled employees are the backbone of the team who can be more efficient and productive in their work compared to others.

If someone on your team, for example, enjoys thinking outside the box, you can make him pitch creative ideas to a client (s). Knowing that their knowledge, expertise, and talents are put to the best possible use, team members are eager to contribute at work. Making them use their strengths will help to increase productivity in the workplace and also more efficient.

2.A pleasant working environment

The work environment and infrastructure are critical factors in increasing productivity and efficiency of a team. A recent study found that the physical environment has a significant impression on how employees feel, think, and perform at work. As a result, many companies are paying close attention when designing their office interiors. They make it a point to include bright lighting, comfortable furniture, and a touch of nature in the form of plants and flowers. The overall productivity and efficiency of an organization can be harmed by a dominating boss, condescending employees, and office politics. 

3.Provide them with incentives.

Employees work best when they are given a compelling reason to do so, which is almost always monetary. They want their efforts to be recognized and prefer more than a "virtual pat on the back" from their bosses. As a result, many companies use incentive programs to keep their employees motivated. According to a recent study, when an incentive was offered, 85 percent of employees felt more motivated to do their best. These incentives can take the form of cash, free vouchers, paid vacation, additional time off, or lunch outings, among other things. 

4. Congratulate on a job well done

While different things work efficiently for various employees in order to increase their workplace productivity and efficiency but for the vast majority of them it is as simple as being recognized for their efforts. Nothing can increase productivity if an employee believes his or her contribution is undervalued. Appreciating them in front of the entire team, on the other hand, can be very beneficial. Instead of virtual congratulatory words, this public act of appreciation motivates others on the team to do their best. It encourages a positive work culture in an organization, which will help boost team productivity.

5. Use the appropriate tools 

When your employees aren't working from the same area, you'll need to use the right tools to track productivity of your team. Employee monitoring software must have some unique features to keep a close eye on employee activities. It should keep an eye on them during working hours and provide you with a detailed report. Are these the features you've been looking for in an employee management system? You've come to the right place. We have the most advanced employee monitoring software available, with even more features. 

EmpMonitor is a stealthy employee monitoring, management, and tracking tool that gives you all the information you need. It's an excellent tool for monitoring employee productivity. Throughout the working day, the software generates detailed productivity reports. It also displays your team's most productive and most limited productive employees. It also sends out productivity alerts to employees who aren't performing well.

Also Watch:

Time To Wrap It up;

In these challenging times, productivity is one of the best essential aspects of doing business. On the other hand, employees must develop strategies to motivate the entire team to reach the finish line. Make improving productivity a central focus of employee motivation, and you'll see better results during this pandemic. I hope this article has helped you a lot regarding team productivity.

Top 03 Time Management Apps To Foster Employee Productivity Without Fail

We humans cannot focus on multiple tasks in a single day without taking any short break! And you might have murmured this at some point during the working hour. Free time is becoming increasingly scarce as a result of the relentless barrage of meetings, calls, and instant messages we receive. And time management has evolved into a vast empire of programs, software, and hardware, all aimed at ensuring that every minute has been spent productively in the workplace.

And there is the cell phone. Despite headlines claiming that mobile devices are disruptive and promote workaholic tendencies, 70% of respondents in the survey said that mobile phones have either improved or have any negative impact on their work-life balance. While surveys even say that 45% of the employees are found to be more distracted while using cell phones during the working hour. 

Now, companies are actually not assured whether the employees are working or not. Or whether they are contributing only a few hours to the company and the rest of the time are enjoying watching movies online. Wait! We are not saying that trusting remote employees or even the ones working in the office is not a good idea, but trusting them blindly, is a bad idea. So, the main question that arises over here is- how much time did the employees have actually worked? Or how to maintain their login/out time remotely? 

Well, the only answer to these questions is taking the help of the best time management apps! Yes, you heard it right. To manage time and productivity, taking the help of the right tool is vital. And here, we will be listing the names of some of the best timesheet software that companies can use to make their employees work more efficiently this 2021.


What Is A Time Management Software?

Today every company has its focus on increasing employee productivity. And they are very particular about calculating their employees productive hours or time spent in completing each task. 

Now, time management software helps organizations calculate the working hours and work efficiency of every employee. It is serving not only to help the organization for paying purposes, based on time, but it even helps the employees to see and manage how much time they are spending on every single project. 

Okay, so we are done with digging into the definition of time management software! Right? Then without making any further ado, let's quickly know about the best tools available in the market. 

1. Empmonitor

Having the ability to track employees computers, Empmonitor has established a very trustworthy place in the list of best timesheet software. This tool has the ability to track the offline as well as online activities of the user. 

By providing real-time insights, EmpMonitor helps companies to get updated about the productive and non-productive hours of the employees! Thus, we can definitely say that it is one of the best Time management apps in the market. 

Let us uncover some of its best features:

  • Along with tracking hours, it will help companies manage employees work, time, attendance, online activities, and a lot more.

  • It takes screenshots of the employee’s system after every desired interval of time. 

  • Tracks and records the browsing history of the user. 

  • It helps get complete information about the apps or websites used by the employees.

  • With its keystroke feature, it helps organizations to know what their employees are typing in the keypad.

To know more about EmpMonitor, click here:

2. Teramind

Teramind helps companies track employees computers and provides a robust solution to prevent data loss and boost productivity levels. It helps managers in tracking time, collaborating with teams, making reports within seconds. It is an excellent business management tool and is best in handling projects, teams with great ease. 

Some of its top features include:

  • Alerts or notifications

  • Tracking employee activities

  • Managing projects and tasks very smoothly. 

  • Analyzing productivity

  • Keystroke recording

3. Time Doctor

Time Doctor is an excellent employee tracking software that comes with accurate time tracking features that help companies know if the team is actually productive or not. The software is best suited for companies having 30-500 employees! It is a web-based program that includes time tracking, computer work session monitoring, alerts, screenshot capturing, invoicing, reporting tools, and integrations, among other features.

Some of its top features include:

  • Screen activity recording 

  • Capturing browsing history

  • Time tracking

  • Keystroke recording

Summing It Up

Managing the time and tasks of the employees is super essential to ensure a smooth workflow. And to help companies do this, taking the help of the best time management apps is a must. So, go through the software listed above and then choose the right one according to your needs.

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