Wednesday, December 9, 2020

06 Fantastic Work From Home Tips To Make You Even More Productive This 2021(Beat The COVID-19 Impact)

Working from your comfy place(home) is really awesome until your dog starts playing with your mouse or system's wires! Or your younger brother/sister does something embarrassing while you are on a video call with your team. And, for a lot of us, WFH is a luxury that has been provided to us by our company. But have you ever thought, which environment really allows us to become more productive: the comfy couch or the office desk?

Since a lot of people have been enjoying the 'work from home' period, it can become a bit difficult for them to open up about this. And according to the sayings of several companies, employees have been seen 50% more productive while working from home, whereas a lot of companies are still having issues of decreased productivity. 

So, the bottom line is, productivity has and is a serious topic for most of the companies after COVID-19. Where managers are looking for efficient ways to make their employees work a lot harder from home, keeping in mind their safety and social distancing, some of the employees are still facing issues like workload that further affects their mental health. 

Now, it's the responsibility of the company to look after their employee's mental health and find out the reason behind the productivity decrease. Is this because of the extreme comfort level they are getting at home? Or because of lesser communication and social interaction, they are lacking behind?

No need to worry! Here, we are going to list down some of the excellent work from home tips that can definitely help the employees boost up their productivity. So, without making it more lengthy, let's quickly get into the article!

1. Get Yourself Dressed Into Your Favorite Outfit

So, what is your favorite outfit while working remotely?

Wait, let us guess! PJs (Pajamas), right? Of course, it should be your favorite OOTD. Since the comfort level and happiness it provides is beyond everything. Well, dressing up all right is something that most people ignore while working from home. However, this is not the way, everything is going to work!

We should get ready for the day like we usually do while we go out or while we are all set to make Reels on Instagram. LOL. And if we are talking about Instagram, then there are thousands of creators who have already posted videos related to different work from home OOTD. So, dress well, and let your creativity be shown in the work as well as in your outfit. 

Stay productive, Stay fashionable!

2. Choose A Proper Place To Work

One of the best things about working from home is the comfort level we get! Isn't it?

But actually, this comfort/luxury can come at the cost of low productivity, zero goals, and concentration. While we work on our fav comfy couch or bed, it becomes a lot difficult to hold on to the temptation of sleep because of our not-so-healthy sleeping routine. 

So, instead of becoming lethargic, we need to come out of that comfort zone! Head up to a place with a desk and table & start working with less distraction. Try to make a small office place, whether in a corner or in a big room, where zero disturbance can arise. And this can definitely help you work with 100% motivation. For sure work from home tips that actually works!

3. Maintain Consistent Working Hours

Just be honest, how many times do you forget about the working hours and work for a little more time? Every single day! Right?

Well, when our mind is entirely into work, it is obvious for us to become unaware of the amount of time that has passed. But actually, this is a really unhealthy habit. Look, being a workaholic is pretty good to get applause and appreciation, but it will be better if we show this attitude within the working hours. There is no need to overdo anything. 

Apart from your office life, there is a personal life too. So, divide the timing accordingly and work harder during office hours. 

Still, people who are not clear about how far or why remote work is going to extend, can quickly have a sneak-peak on- Why Work From Home Revolution Is Going To Trend Forever?

4. Eat Healthy And Sleep Early

Well, another best thing about working from home is having free access to the kitchen. As soon as we have our break time, we quickly run towards our kitchen counter or fridge to grab some snacks! Isn't it? But in reality, this practice doesn't benefit us in any way. 

Instead, we get onto an unhealthy diet that thus increases weight. Remember, those extra wafers or burgers will not help you much in your productivity. So, eat healthy food! Instead of making Dalgona coffee or deep-fried snacks, grab fruits, juices, or other healthy drinks. That too in several intervals. 

5. Prepare A Planner/To-Do-List

For sure, the word To-do list is familiar to us. But exactly, what is it? Well, it is nothing but an index of tasks, arranged in order of priority, to be completed on the following day. A planner is the same thing, more or less.

Working remotely means that you keep track of how you spend every hour of your day. When you are more efficient and, even, where you are wasting your precious time, self-tracking helps you understand. Planning a to-do list will allow us to keep track of our progress. In your specific productive hours, you can then opt to perform the more crucial tasks.

6. Do Not Hesitate To Ask For Your Needs And Requirements

Ask for the equipment you need as soon as you start working from home, or within a day or two when you know you need something different, whether you are working for an organization or corporation that supports your work-from-home setup. Setting precedents early on is extremely vital to ask for everything you need to do your job comfortably, including the right keyboard, computer, mouse, printer, chair, software, etc.

Time To Wrap It Up

For all the people who are working remotely, we hope these few yet efficient proven work from home tips can help them boost up their productivity. Since it's still not clear when this pandemic will get over, we should try some different practices every day to make our work from home period enjoyable yet productive. So, get those tips applied in your WFH period, and also hit the like button given below to get regularly updated with such more articles. 

Also, do watch: EmpMonitor - Best Employee Monitoring Software l Employee Productivity Monitoring Software

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