Saturday, April 24, 2021

Do Not Ignore These 6 Insider Threat Statistics For Real!

After the covid returns, some of the countries face lockdowns, due to which some organizations are working remotely again. But the fear of insider threats remains constant, and employers spend most of their day figuring out what their employees are up to, as the data are confidential and need to be in safe hands. 

As a solution, there are insider threat detection systems that the management should opt to have a threat-free environment, even if their employees are working remotely. There are also some insider threat statistics that every employer should know before they commence the WFH. Such as:


As there is no human contact or the employers cannot keep a direct eye on their workers, the risk of threats increases at an enormous speed. There was a time when the management kept no records of the uploads, downloads, file transfers, etc., but after the covid pandemic, the insider threats increased by 5 times, so the threat detection software helped the management keep a close eye on them. 


Having a threat of online and insider fraud employers, go for some software to keep an eye on their workers. But, they end up running in huge losses as the software is too costly for them to afford. As per a recent survey, we found that the expenditure of every firm has risen upto 10% due to cybersecurity. Employers spend billions on cybersecurity and yet get no results. So, do not go for any random software, all you need is to examine, compare and then pay for insider threat security. 


Train your employees that they should understand the consequences of leaking a company's information and the effect it can cause in the organization, as more than 30% thefts are caused by insiders. As per the cybercrime survey, the insiders are the ones who leak data the most. So, every employee must be trained and must have the capability to avoid such fraud. 


Insider threats are hard to detect as compared to online frauds. For example, an organization with 500 employees is a challenging task to manage for employers. If any data gets leaked in such a situation, it's nearly impossible to find the actual culprit. So, every organization should install insider threat detectors in the employee's systems to catch the culprit red-handed. 


Since every employee has edit/view access to the company's confidential data, you cannot keep track of every employee's activities. As a result, some employees make hay when the sun shines and sell the crucial information to rivals or other firms to earn extra money. 



The management mentions many precautions that every employee should take while they work online on any platform. As per the latest records, 50% thefts are just because of the negligence of the employees. But, some workers are so irresponsible and neglect the threats coming to them. Unfortunately, it affects the firm, and the organization pays the price. 

You can also watch: How To Keep Your Company’s Sensitive Data Secure?


There are 4 kinds of insider threats that every other employee should know. Let's discuss them in brief: 

1. Negligent Employees:

Some employees are irresponsible and neglect what consequences the firm may face when the company's data gets leaked such threats come under, 'negligent employees.'

2. Malicious Employees:

Employees who sell or leak the company's information to earn extra money notifies as malicious employees.

3. Cyber Traps: 

Employers train their employees to not fall in cyber traps, like spam mails as they contain viruses which can hack your system and gain access to the system. Almost 25% of the time, data hacking takes place because of the cyber or phishing traps generated by hackers. 

4. Inside Agents:

Some employees work as inside agents in an organization. It means they work in a partnership with the hackers and steal/affect the internal data. 


Once the management goes for an insider threat detection system, he gets numerous benefits from it. Like:
  • The software works as time-tracking software.
  • It captures the screen automatically. 
  • Employers can even use it as onboarding software.
  • You can easily manage your employees, even if they work remotely.
  • The management can keep records of their working and non-working days/hours. 


So, we hope these insider threat statistics helped you enough to secure your confidential data. Being an employer, the safety is in your hands, but installing an insider threat detector can be quite beneficial and time-saving for firms. 

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