Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Should You Use Internet Usage Monitor Software For Remote Teams?


A simple & one-word answer to the question, ‘Should a business carry out the process of internet usage monitoring is YES.

When companies hire remote employees and give them the freedom to have access to the internet, it becomes necessary for employers to keep on checking their activities from time to time.  Although workers give their full contribution to their jobs, there are high chances that endless sources of the internet might distract them at some point.

A recent study suggested that average workers spend between 1-4 hours everyday surfing over the web instead of performing the assigned task. For this reason, the majority of business owners have now understood the positive consequences of internet usage monitor software at workplaces. Here's a detailed analysis, check this out.

Is Internet Monitoring Software Legit To Use?


With almost every company shifting to ‘work from home’ culture from the conventional mode of working, employers now have a legitimate reason to monitor their employees and ensure smooth execution of tasks. 

Because of this, US authority has legalized the use of internet usage monitor applications while their employees work on the company’s owned assets and broadband connection. Meanwhile, they give a clarification that keeping track of internet activities doesn’t mean oppressing workers anyway.

Managers must proceed to monitor internet usage within certain limits that are reasonable and a boon to increasing profit.

Upsides Of Employee Management

Since employees are entitled to get prescribed for their job, it’s the right of the administration to take measures for cutting down distractions that eventually leads to benefit the organization.

Among the countless benefits an internet monitoring software brings, we have compiled a few crucial ones here.

Freedom From Malware Threats


Malware activities like data breaching and phishing techniques often damage the whole working methodology of any firm. Whether intentionally or by mistake, employees might get indulged into malware that results in transfer of data between two rival companies. A great way to deal with this nerve-wracking situation is to put solid internet monitoring plans in place. It keeps record of members who access the sensitive data so that further actions can be taken if something goes wrong.


Employers must conduct a quick session to make staff aware of the benefits of internet monitoring to both the involved groups. This session must explain the ultimate purpose of observation, which is making sure if employees work within the norms of company and safeguard policies. 

Increase In Productivity


Doubting employees' dedication is unjust, but the same becomes necessary when a company experiences continuous downfalls in meeting productivity standards. In some cases, surveillance on the internet can raise overall profit and encourage employees to focus better. Having an eye on social media networks, and entertainment websites makes it easy for organizations to get optimal outcomes as it eliminates wastage of production hours.


Facilitating high-speed and unlimited bandwidth usage is undoubtedly expensive. Moreover, issues like slow response occur when this limit needs to be increased. Internet monitoring shows thorough details of teams that use the speedy connection.

Other benefits comes with internet supervision are:-

It also helps in the evaluation of employees that are honestly committed to giving their hundred percent contribution. On the other hand, managers can use those insights for determining low-performing staff, and thus set up programmes for their improvement in a professional way.

Negative Impacts Of Internet Usage Monitoring

Even if Advantages of using best internet tracking software is crystal clear, employees feel a bit uncomfortable working under someone’s oversight.

Infact, emotionally unstable employees often feel unvalued and then they suffer moral breakdown. But, this won’t happen unless management instantly takes any decision without educating members about it.

One of the easiest ways to justify internet monitoring is to tag this as ‘shield” to safeguard online proceedings from being mistaken. In this way, the majority will stand by your side and cooperate calmly. 

Final Conclusion

So, what did we learn up to now? Let’s wrap up in brief. With the best Internet usage monitor software in place, all sizes of business can tackle challenges and improvise things in no time. Therefore, take enough time to explore, investigate, and figure solutions that indeed work.

Wondering How To Check Production Of Employees With EmpMonitor? See This Video:-

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