Saturday, January 23, 2021

Top 04 Productivity Tracking Software Companies Need To Have A Look At This 2021

The productivity of the employees plays a vital role in developing the overall growth and productivity of the business. Well, sometimes, tracking the worker's activities may even sound like the company has 0% faith in its employees. But the fact is, tracking the activities of the employees during the working hours is indeed necessary. The company needs to know what has been done by a particular employee the whole day. 

2020 hasn't been an easy year for us all. We have seen a lot, and now when it's 2021 already, we are hoping for the best to come. But the serious problem that most of the companies had to bear was letting their employees work remotely. From communication to workforce management issues, companies had to deal with a lot. But now, the major issue that has been seen rising was productivity loss. 

As we said earlier, productivity plays a vital role in getting the company to run smoothly. And to ensure that the productivity level is high, employers need to think of much better help. So, how to maintain 100% productivity in the company? Well, the only answer to this question is implementing productivity tracking software! Yes, you heard it right!

A productivity tracking tool will not only help companies save money and time but will even ensure to maintain a smooth workflow. But the thing is, there are a lot of productivity monitoring tools available in the market, having a myriad of features. So, how to find the perfect one for your company? No need to worry! With this article, we will be helping our readers get in-depth information about the best 05 tracking software that could actually ensure 100% increased productivity in the workplace. 

So, whether you have opened your office keeping the government rules in mind or are still managing a huge remote workforce, these 05 tracking tools are definitely going to save you from productivity loss forever. 

1. EmpMonitor

EmpMonitor gives companies the right to measure their employees' productivity in a much better way. Companies get a comprehensive report of what projects the employees are working on, how many hours they put in, and what the team's overall productivity is! If your team is at various sites, then EmpMonitor also shows you the location-wise overall productivity.

With such a robust tool, companies can make sure that none of the team members is wasting any time and doing their job with 100% dedication. Employers can even track the browsing history of the employees and get in-depth information about their online activities. It will help them know which of the employees are actually working and who are wasting time watching videos online. Overall, according to the popularity and effectiveness, EmpMonitor can be the perfect productivity tracking software to use this 2021.

Core Features:

  • Productivity Measurement

  • Real-time screen video recording

  • Timesheet management

  • Keystroke logging

  • Reports generation

2. Desk Time

It is an excellent application for productivity tracking that incorporates three vital features: measuring productivity for increasing productivity, project management, and monitoring activities of the employees. In addition, DeskTime comes by ordering web pages and apps into "Unproductive" and "Productive" to help managers & their teams understand their unfruitful behaviors.

Core Features:

  • Absence calendar.

  • Scheduling shifts.

  • Regular productivity timeline.

  • Invoicing.

  • Complete visual & downloadable reports.

  • Auto screenshot capture.

  • Combinations with project management applications.

3. Time Doctor

Time Doctor is a combination of project management, time tracking, and employee tracking. It is a versatile software for employee tracking as it gives you detailed information about what all your employees are doing during the working hour.

The robust employee monitoring software tracks what apps and websites each worker use. It also helps employers take system snapshots and see what their staff is doing in real-time and reduce the likelihood of slacking off.

Core Features:

  • Tracking chatting history.

  • Auto screenshot capture.

  • Building payrolls and paying the workers via the software.

4. Hubstaff

With a GPS tracker, Hubstaff not only helps companies to track time and productivity but also the location of their employees. Hubstaff works on different computers! So no matter where the employees are, companies can keep track of them.

With this on-the-go productivity tracker, companies can check where their employees are in real-time and how productive they are in their work. 

Core Features:

  • GPS tracking.

  • Auto screenshots.

  • Timesheet management.

  • Erect payrolls and give the employees via the software.


So, that's the end of our list for the best productivity tracking software to use this 2021. Well, if you really want to improve workforce productivity, make sure to bookmark and take into account these tools quickly. For sure, the above-listed tools can make your wish for 2021 to see 100% increased productivity in the workplace true.

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