Thursday, January 21, 2021



New technologies evolve every week for future improvement, whether for a remote workforce or other purposes. Productivity is quite a heavy word for companies, as every factor depends upon it. Every manager checks out the final output produced at the end of the day, which helps them to distinguish between the working and non-working employees. 

Earlier, it was impossible to monitor the work procedure and productivity of your employees. Some over-smart and cunning employees used to fool their team leaders in the lack of the correct evidence. After the innovation of productivity tools, it has become 99.99% easier to keep an eye on the employees without any hesitation. And so, they can catch the non-productive workers red-handed with all the evidence required. 

The tools not only help in monitoring the workers but fulfill 100% productivity. Whether the employees are working remotely or at the workplace, there is no change in the total output. But, apart from these things, the user gets numerous benefits, like:

  • Track Records:

Apart from increasing productivity, the project management tools maintain a detailed analysis of the worker's activities. It helps the employers to know the work procedure and speed of the employees. Through it, the user can track the repetitive mistakes that the workers make and correct them immediately. 

  • Quick Actions:

After the remote workforce, the managers are unaware of the work the employees are working. Once they installed the employee management software, they know what work is going on and which employee takes an average time to finish an assigned task. Overall, the tools increase the efficiency and productivity of the firm. 

  • 100% Threat Free:

All confidential data is accessible by the employees, and after the WFH culture got commenced, the data's safety is not 100% in the hands of management. But, the productivity software makes sure to save the data from insider threats. Hence, no unauthorized person can access the data. 

  • Good Communication:

Unlike earlier ways, eMails are no longer efficient for online communication. Rather, chat tools can be the new option for the same. You can directly text your leaders when facing any difficulty, and the employers can convey/assign a task to the workers. It really saves a lot of time. 

  • Time-Tracking Software:

Time plays a crucial role in the lives of employers and managers. The HRs must stay aware of the log-in/out time of the employees. It helps them to calculate the total working hours for the day and the work done accordingly. Ultimately, through the help of it, they create the payroll for the month.


For a better remote workforce and productivity of the firm, productivity tools are significant for the employers to install in the workers' systems. It reduces the time and effort of the team leaders for running the firm smoothly. Not only this, but the tools work as onboarding software to train the newcomers about the rules and protocols of the organization. Installing productivity trackers calculates the hard work of the employees to increase their incentives and bonuses. And makes the employers aware of the non-productive employees. 


Yes. Using productivity software and monitoring the activities is 100% legal in the eyes of the law. But the HRs must convey the same when the employee joins the firm. They must know why keeping an eye on them is necessary. There is no invasion of privacy and lack of trust, but to ensure 100% productive workflow and safety of the data, tracking their work procedures is a must. 


Hundreds of productivity trackers are available over the world wide web for better productivity. Here's a list of some of the best ones:

  • EmpMonitor: The software is one of the best management software to maintain and keep track of the work. From capturing automatic screenshots to calculate payroll for the month, EmpMonitor is the perfect solution. 

  • Slack: The tool helps the user to create a channel for communication for real-time discussions. So, no more emails and lengthy procedures to communicate anymore.

  • Basecamp: It works as a project management tool in which leaders prefer to assign tasks to the employees as per their specifications. Not only this, but it keeps a record of the time taken in finishing the work. 


Overall, I hope my article helped my readers understand how productivity tools can make their work more convenient and reliable than ever. So, give it a try once! 

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