Thursday, March 18, 2021

How To Motivate Your Team While They Work Remotely


After the COVID pandemic, there are still some firms where employees are working remotely. Working from home for almost a year can be demotivating and disheartening for them, which ultimately affects productivity. Sitting continuously in your private space and performing your job with your family around is stressful and hectic at the same time. Hence, the management must motivate their workers and boost their strength to manage their work even if they work remotely. 

But, how to motivate your team?

Motivating employees is a challenging yet powerful task for the management, and they can handle the same in numerous ways. Let's discuss a few of them:


Every employee expects some appreciation for the work done by their TL's and bosses. Praising them for their work can inspire and motivate them to perform their task more energetically and enthusiastically. As a reward, the management can feature them on their pages and recommend them to platforms like LinkedIn. 


Being a leader or an employee, the best way to motivate your employees is to promote their talents while working remotely. You can also try to improve their skills by suggesting some professional tips through online meetings. Overall, it will help you to trust your employees and build a healthy relationship with your co-workers. 


Discussing work-related issues over audio calls can be a bit boring and tiresome. Instead, they can't schedule video call conferences to keep their workers engaged and help you connect effectively and efficiently. Also, some employees pretend to be in the meeting but are mentally absent. For such employees, this tip can be an evergreen solution for such issues. 


The management should track the productivity and not the hours while they work remotely. They should check whether the tasks you assign to them finish on time or not. Not only this, but they should also calculate the number of hours they took in completing each task. Through this, the employees get some relaxation that the managers value their hard-work.


The expenses of every individual rise day-by-day, and so the employers must pay their employees on time. Many firms deduct the payments due to fewer productivity hours, even if there is 100% productivity. Overall, if you initiate on-time payments, it will leave a positive impact on your staff. Also, it will help you motivate your team efficiently. 


Do not assign a bunch of tasks to your workers which they cannot finish. Being a manager, you should be aware of your worker's potential and specializations. So, it will be convenient if you set tasks based on their proficiency. Hence, setting challenging tasks will be very effective and maintain a smooth flow in the remote work.


The management can install chatting applications like Telegram or Whatsapp for their workers to interact with each other. They can also use this medium for discussing projects or clearing their doubts. Having such online chats will help them to stay motivated, energized, and connected with their colleagues.  


The HR management should implement break policies for your employees to have refreshments in between. Sitting continuously for hours is quite demotivating and challenging. So, setting permissions for a 10-minute break in the first half and a 10-minute break in the second half is quite refreshing. Also, they must allow their staff to take a 1-hour lunch break for taking some rest. 


You can install efficient tools to monitor your employees working remotely and can motivate them throughout the day. It offers numerous features to its users, such as:
  • It allows you to track their total productivity
  • The user gets a detailed report of every individual
  • The employee management software captures automatic screenshots from the employees' systems
  • It protects the firm from insider threats 
  • The software works as a time-tracker and analyses the working hours of every employee
You can also watch: How To Manage Employee Attendance Using EmpMonitor?


So, in these ways, you can motivate your team efficiently while they work remotely. Just try to keep your workers happy to ensure a smooth workflow and balance the firm's productivity.

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